Our Filter Replacement Contracts take the guesswork and administration hassles out of upkeep for your purifiers, so you always have clean air.
The Right Filter Every Time –
And On Time
We make it simple for institutions to bulk order the right Medify Air filter replacements for your specific units, so it’s easy to maintain all of your organization’s purifier units at optimum efficiency and savings.
Designed With Ease
Of Use In Mind
Our institutional-grade purifiers are built for easy access, so the process of replacing filters is quick and efficient.
To maintain limited lifetime warranty, register below.
Taking The Guesswork Out Of Filter Changes
- Indicators on the unit alert you when the filter needs to be changed
- Open the side of the purifier
- Remove the old filter
- Insert the replacement filter
- Close the unit
- Enjoy purified air for another 3,000 hours!
Get Started With Your Filter Replacement Contract

Want help from an air quality
expert? We'll build you a plan.
Not sure which units suit your needs? Unsure of how many units to buy? Please fill out the form below and one of our clean-air consultants will be in touch within 24 hours.